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How to Add Bokeh Effect in Photoshop
Tutorials Photo Effects 7618 May 10th, 2018

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to add bokeh effect to your photos using a premade bokeh background. Also we'll add a realistic sunlight and rays of light effect.

Learn how to make a Bokeh effect in Photoshop for your photos in just a few simple steps. All you have to do is to use a bokeh texture.

how to add bokeh effect to photo in photoshop

Open a new PSD file and add your photo in a new layer. For this tutorial I will use this Beautiful Autumn Tree stock image.

Add Bokeh To Photo In Photoshop

Download and add this bokeh background in a new layer and call it Bokeh Photoshop Overlay 1.

bokeh background

Add Bokeh Effect to Photo in Photoshop

Duplicate the Bokeh Photoshop Overlay 1 and call it Blurry Background. Duplicate the Blurry Background layer and call it Bokeh Photoshop Overlay 2.

Add Bokeh To Photo In Photoshop

Press Control-T to resize the Bokeh Photoshop Overlay 2 layer to around 50% depending on your image. Set the blend mode of the Bokeh Photoshop Overlay 2 layer to Screen.

Add Bokeh To Photo In Photoshop

Go to the Blurry Background layer and use the Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur filter.

Add Bokeh To Photo In Photoshop

Set the blend mode of the Blurry Background layer to Screen.

Add Bokeh To Photo In Photoshop

Set the blend mode of the Bokeh Photoshop Overlay 1 layer to Screen.

add bokeh to photo in photoshop

Download More Bokeh Textures for Free

Here are some of the most beautiful bokeh textures that are available for free. You can try different bokeh colors and shapes.

Add Sunlight Effect in Photoshop

To make the image more shiny and add more light you can use this Sunlight Overlay texture. Simply add the image in a new layer and set the blend mode to Screen. You can place the sun image whereever you want it to be.

add sunlight to photo in photoshop

Animated Sunlight Photoshop Premium Action

Congratulations, You Made It!

Here is the final result for the bokeh effect Photoshop tutorial that I hope you all enjoyed practicing. This is a simple Photoshop tutorail for beginners and a good Photoshop exercise for newbies.

how to add bokeh effect to photo in photoshop

You can also check out these premium Photoshop actions for creating cool Bokeh effects right now!

Download Bokeh Photoshop Action

bokeh photoshop action

Download Animated Bokeh Lights Photoshop Action

bokeh photoshop action
5 ( 100 votes)

If you're looking for amazing textures and backgrounds for Photoshop, explore Textures4Photoshop where you can find 1000+ unique images. You can download all these textures and backgrounds for free to use in personal or commercial projects!

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