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Woman engraved in stone
Tutorials Photo Effects 17589 July 18th, 2018

Today I will show you how to transform a photo of a woman into a stone engraved image. I will blend the woman with the stone wall from the background. It is really easy to do.

Step 1 - Find the photo

When I start looking for a photo I was thinking of a woman with her hair covered, young and beautiful. Her skin color didn't matter because it will be transformed into a Stone Engraved Saint.

So I've found this photo on Flickr .


woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


As you can see it has a stone wall behind it so it is perfect. I don't really like her tooth and the thing is holding in her hand. So lets fix that.


Step 2 - Hide the object from her hand

When you want to hide things a very used method is Spot Healing Brush Tool. But I will use Smudge Tool and than if it is necessary Spot Healing Brush.


First I need to magnify the area that I am going to fix. Go to View - Zoom in.

As you can se I've used both tool s to see the difference, so I decided to use Smudge Tool.

Set the size of the brush to 4, mode normal and strength 100%.


woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


I have to be careful t

- smudge in the direction of the cloth wrinkles

- to follow the light direction

- to smudge from two directions; if  the direction is horizontal smudge from the left and than from the right .and meet in the middle.


woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


For what we are going to do this step is not very important because we will have very little details in the end; but it is nice to know how do fix this kind of problems.

woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


Step 3 - Hide the tooth

Use liquify for this problem. Go to Filter - Liquify . Pick Pucker Tool.


woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


Set this tool options. I advise you not to zoom in the photo because when you zoom out you can realize that the result is not the wanted one.


woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


So place the center of the tool on the tooth area and click repeatedly until the tooth are vanished.

Move to the right and do the same.

woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


Step 4 - Desaturate the photo

For get a little closer to the stone look I need to make the photo black and white.

Go to Image - Adjustments - Desaturate. Call this layer Black and White.

woman-engraved-in-stone tutorial intermediary image


Step 5 - Apply Gradient Map

Part 1Part 2Part 3
5 ( 101 votes)

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4 comment(s) for "Woman engraved in stone"

7:00 AM Thursday, December 3, 2009
The result is amazing! i love it, very unique! reply
5:35 AM Friday, August 26, 2011
Nice Dear Good Works Really Appreciated reply
5:36 AM Friday, August 26, 2011
:) glad you like it reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
good 2D effect reply

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