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Toybricks Lego Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial
Tutorials Text Effects 30512 January 31st, 2018

You can create a LEGO effect in Photoshop out of any shape, text, graphics or even photos using this quick tutorial. First we'll use a pixel effect to create the blocks and than we'll add a custom made toybrick pattern. If you are looking for a more professional result you can try our LEGO toybrick Photoshop actions and you obtain a similar, but better result with just 1-click!

Learn how to create a LEGO text effect in Photoshop using the Pixelate>Mosaic filter. Create a new layer and fill it with a bright orange color #f19900 . Add a text layer and type something. I will use the Intro font type for my text, but you can use any font you like. Learn how to install font in Photoshop if you want to use a new font type. Use color #007aa2 for the text.

Make sure you have some shape between the letters so you have to set the tracking for the selected characters to 50.

I will add a Stroke layer style, using a darker blue color #00509b

Select the two layers, the background and the text, and convert them into a smart object

Now we'll add a smart filter to create a pixelate effect. Go to Filter>Pixelate menu and choose Mosaic. Set the cell size so that the text to be still readable. I will set the mosaic to 20 pixels.

Now we have to create the toybricks patterns that we are going to use for the text effect. Create a new PSD file, with canvas 20x20 pixels. I will zoom in the image for the preview. Fill the background layer with #949494 color.

Add a Stroke layer style like shown in the image.

Add a circle in the middle of the canvas. Use the #afafaf color

Add these layer styles to the Circle Layer to create the lego toy block.

Now all we have to do is to create the pattern. Go to Edit menu and choose Define Pattern.

Go back to your initial PSD file and add a Pattern Overlay layer style to the smart object using the new created LEGO pattern. If you want you can download and use my toybricks patterns available in two sizes(20px and 30px).

So here is the final result for the LEGO toybricks text effect made from scratch in Photoshop. Instead of thext layers you can use vector shapes or any other graphics, even photos.

As you can see the pixel effect added to the text layer made the text look diffuse, almost illegible. That is happening because the Mosaic Filter returns semi transparent pixels. To increase the opacity of a pixel you can use the Eyedropper Tool to select a color, then use Paint Bucket Tool with fully magnified zoom, to change the color/opacity of each pixel.

In order to make these manual adjustments, first you have to rasterize the smart object otherwise you can not use the Paint Bucket Tool nor the Brush Tool.

If you want to create more interesting LEGO Photoshop effects with just one single click you can try some of our premium actions.

This action pack will allow you to create realistic toy bricks effects out of any text, vector shape or raster image cutout. You can pick from 2 brick sizes; available also in 3D perspective.

This set contains 5 Photoshop actions that will allow you to create realistic pixel perfect toy bricks and toy blocks effects out of any text, shape or raster. The toybricks are created in isometric perspective with customizable isometric background.

5 ( 102 votes)

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11 comment(s) for "Toybricks Lego Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial"

11:58 AM Friday, January 31, 2014
Your LEGO toy blocks effect looks great! I see that your image edges are not blurry, I guess you used the Paint Bucket Tool to add the same color :) reply
3:10 AM Monday, February 3, 2014
My little five years old daughter is a fan of Minecraft Lego. I'd this for her. She likes it. Thanks for the tutorial reply
3:14 AM Monday, February 3, 2014
I am glad to hear that! The result looks great, love the colors :) reply
4:00 AM Thursday, February 6, 2014
Of course it is possible to use a font but it has to be a pixel perfect font type. It has to match perfectly with the toy brick pattern. I didn't find a pixel perfect font for this tutorial so I used this pixelate filter.
6:23 AM Thursday, March 6, 2014
Just a heads up. Don't use the paint bucket! turn on the grid under View and create rectangles for clean lines and opaque colors. reply
6:33 AM Thursday, March 6, 2014
That is a great tip to use rectangles to replace the pixels. It takes a little more time to add the rectangles but the result probably looks better. reply
shlomi aflalo
shlomi aflalo
11:11 AM Sunday, April 6, 2014
Thanks psd-dude
so fun to learn this. reply
shlomi aflalo
shlomi aflalo
3:13 AM Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Obama reply
12:49 AM Saturday, July 12, 2014
LEGO effect made in Photoshop by user Quijote ( reply
7:33 AM Sunday, July 13, 2014
Turn photo to LEGO effect in Photoshop.
artwork made by dali-333 reply
1:30 AM Tuesday, December 23, 2014
To create the pixel effect is it possible to use a pixel font type instead of using the Mosaic Filter? Can you recommend one? reply

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