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Rose Petals Floral Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial
Tutorials Text Effects 3750 February 12th, 2018

Learn how to create in Photoshop a beautiful Valentine's Day text effect made from red rose petals. Floral text effects are really beautiful for wedding anniversary cards and for other romantic occasions.

The Photoshop red rose petals text effect can be made using any flowers and petals that you like. I hope you will enjoy making this floral text style.

text letters made with red rose petals in photoshop

Tutorial Assets

For this tutorial you will need these stock images, textures and other resources.

Add this Embossed Paper Texture in a new layer and call it Embossed Paper Background.

Add a Gradient Map adjustment to change the color of the paper cardstock. I used these colors for the gradient: #000000 (location 0%), #3a4345 (location 31%) and #ffffff (location 100%).

Add a Levels adjustment to darken the paper background.

Write the letters "I" and "U" using a simple font that you like.

Use these Rose Petals PNG to create the "I" and "U" letters. Put each petal in a separate layer. Add a soft Drop Shadow layer style for each Petal Layer. You will have to use a lot of layers to create the shape of the letters. You have to rotate, resize and move the petals to create a nice pattern. Press Control-J to duplicate a layer.

Hide the Text Layer after this step.

Add a Levels adjustment to increase the contrast.

Add the Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet PNG image.

To make the heart look more realistic and to add it depth, add a Drop Shadow and an Inner Shadow.

To create blood drips use this Dripping Blood Drops PNG image.

blood drips PNG image

Use the Dodge Tool and the Burn Tool to darken and lighten some parts of the blood drips.

Add a Drop Shadow effect for the Blood Drips layers.

Add a Selective Color adjustment layer and change the Reds and the Neutrals tones.

Click on the Layer Mask Thumbnail of the Selective Color adjustment layer. Go to Image > Apply Image.

Add the Torn Paper Frame PNG image and place it like shown in the preview.

Add a Drop Shadow layer style.

Add a Levels adjusment just for the Torn Paper Frame layer. Right click and choose Create Clipping mask.

Add a Old Paper Texture and set the blend mode to Soft Light. You can use the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to desaturate the paper texture. You can also use any other grunge texture but you might have to use another blend mode.

The last step that I suggest you make is to use the High Pass Filter to Sharpen Images in Photoshop; the result will look great.

So this is the final result for the rose petals text effect made in Photoshop. You can create your own alphabet letters made with red petals. I hope you like this Valentine's Day tutorial!

text letters made with red rose petals in photoshop
5 ( 100 votes)

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4 comment(s) for "Rose Petals Floral Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial"

6:45 AM Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Beautiful tut! here is my result reply
4:34 AM Monday, February 19, 2018
Beautiful typography! reply
8:26 AM Friday, March 2, 2018
Nice tutorial. reply
Web Design Company
Web Design Company
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
This is one of the best Valentine special Photoshop Tutorial :) reply

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