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Make an alien out of a real girl or woman in photoshop
Tutorials Photo Manipulation 15663 August 19th, 2018

Today I want to show you a simple way to transform a real girl into an alien. I will work with Color Balance, Liquify, Scale, Brush Tool...i hope you are familiar with that.

Step 1- Change the Skin Tone


Lets take a nice picture.I use this site for my tutorials.

For this tutorial I've chosen the photo:

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

Ok download the photo and resize it to a normal size. You can crop it like a did .

Duplicate the girl layer because it is important to have the initial photo.

Now lets change the color of the photo. Go to Image - Adjustments - Color Balance and do the following settings

For the shadows:

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

For the Midtones:

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

For the Highlights:

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

Now go again to Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation and do the following settings:

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

The idea is to obtain a nice green tone; you can of course play with the colors and do different than I did .This is not the finall color I am sure, after we chage the face we work with color balance again.

Step 2 -Change the Face Features

Lets change the face figures ; go to Filter - Liquify and pick the Forward Warp Tool .the size 61, brush density 84 and brush pressure 35.

Here we have 4 missions:

the shape of the face: change the shape of the face making it a little smaller..look at the picture below and you will see exactly how .

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

Now lets hide the nose with Spot Healing Brush Tool or simply copy/paste a part of the skin(and place it in fron of the nose, merge the 2 layers .and than use the Spot Healing Brush Tool again)

This is the result .the nose is still visible

Take the Sopt Healing Brush Tool and easily hide the nose.I used brush 14, type proximity match.

Don't worry if the result is not quite perfect .we will paint it in the final step.

alien-girl tutorial intermediary image

Step 3 - Add Makeup

Create a new layer and call it Makeup; in this layer add a little black makeup to the eyes.with opacity 24%.

Part 1Part 2Part 3
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4 comment(s) for "Make an alien out of a real girl or woman in photoshop"

7:00 AM Monday, January 11, 2010
Good result and especially very nice idea! reply
7:00 AM Friday, September 10, 2010
Fantastic~. I enjoyed your great graphics. reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
This would make great graphics for a computer game. I'm a big fan of yours dude reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
haha,funny reply

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