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Create a New Year Fireworks Party Flyer in Photoshop
Tutorials Photo Manipulation 30677 December 19th, 2018

Today we'll learn how to create a party flyer for the new year in Photoshop using some beautiful gold layer styles and fireworks light effects. You can use this tutorial to create Happy New Year greeting cards, party flyers, calendars and so on. I really hope you will enjoy the 2014 Fireworks Party Flyer and that you will decide to give it a try.

Happy New Year old tutorial that you can use to create a 2018 greeting card in Photoshop.

Let's start with a simple black background layer. In a new layer add this city night stock image. Call this layer City Night. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set the radius to around 2px.

Add a layer mask (just like in this Photoshop masking tutorial) to the City Night layer and use the Gradient Tool to mask/hide the top area of the image. Use a black and white gradient.

Now I will add a Gradient Fill adjustment layer using a linear gradient made from these two colors: #ffc600 and #b13ae3 ; set the blend mode of the gradient map to Color, 100% opacity level.

In a new layer add a text using a font that you like. I used Ethon Free Font that you can download and use in Photoshop. Learn how you can install font in Photoshop from this quick tutorial.

I will use this clock PNG image to replace the zero from the "2014" text.

Use one of these gold Photoshop style for the text layer and the clock. You might have to scale the effects to look good; for that you have to go to Layer>Layer Style and choose Scale Effects. I have also added a "Happy New Year" text using the same golden style. You can download the gold styles that I have used for each layer from here

You can add a beautiful detail by using these line divider vector shape ; use a golden style also for this layer.

Use one of these optical lens flare textures to add some light effects to our golden text. Set the blend mode of the lens flare texture to Screen; you can duplicate the texture, resize, rotate, combine multiple textures to obtain the result that you like best.

Time to add the fireworks effect; for that I will use this beautiful fireworks texture and set the blend mode to Screen

I will now make some color and brightness adjustments to the fireworks image using a Brightness/Contrast and a Hue/Saturation adjustment layers.

You can duplicate the fireworks layer, resize and put it in another place like shown in the preview image.

For the final touches you can use some sparkle brushes to add sparkle effect for the gold text. Use #fffef4 color for the brush and add a Inner Glow layer style with color #ffdd66

So here is the final result for the Happy New Year Party Flyer made in Photoshop combining creatively some bling bling golden text styles, fireworks light effects and a city night stock image.

You might also want to try this Fireworks Photoshop actions . This action pack will allow you to create realistic fireworks effects out of any text, vector shape or raster image cutout. What it actually does is tracing the outline of the text or shape with burning fireworks sparklers in different color combinations.

Online Christmas Card Maker

Did you know you can use online tools like MockoFun to make Christmas cards?
Combine Christmas vector shapes with text and create some amazing Christmas cards. MockoFun provides pre-made templates for making Christmas cards online in just a few minutes.

Check out this awesome list of over 50 Christmas fonts that you can use online or download for free to use in Photoshop. Combine Christmas fonts with text symbols like a star symbol for example.

Check out this tutorial on how to use the online Christmas Card Maker and all the awesome features that MockoFun has to offer.

Online Christmas Card Maker
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27 comment(s) for "Create a New Year Fireworks Party Flyer in Photoshop"

2:52 AM Saturday, December 21, 2013
Thank you so much this was a wonderful tut and everything to go with it. I enjoyed it very much. Fantastic reply
3:00 AM Saturday, December 21, 2013
:) Beautiful result, keep up the good work! reply
7:34 AM Saturday, December 21, 2013
Wow, another **terrific** tutorial -- and the result is absolutely stunning! Totally love everything you do, but this particular one is super special -- thanks so much...!! reply
7:52 AM Saturday, December 21, 2013
Thank you very much, I am glad you like it :) reply
1:39 AM Sunday, December 22, 2013
Can u tell me how I use the golden style in the numbers??
Thank you. reply
1:42 AM Sunday, December 22, 2013
That is a really beautiful New Year Flyer! The gold text style looks better than the one that I've used. reply
1:47 AM Sunday, December 22, 2013
If you download the PSD file the text has already the layer style set.
If you want to use one of the other gold styles, you have to download the ASL file and load it in Photoshop:
1. go to Edit>Preset Manager and choose Stles from the list; click load to load the ASL file
2. type your text and open the layer style window; select styles and simply choose one of the gold styles that you loaded in the first step. reply
Mireille D
Mireille D
1:09 PM Sunday, December 22, 2013
Thank you very much Jonh!
I used "BRASS" style from the list provided on your site and found on Deviantart: reply
1:12 PM Sunday, December 22, 2013
These styles by giallo86 are indeed some of the best metal gold silver styles available for free, so good choice. reply
2:40 AM Saturday, December 28, 2013
Can you give me a template psd, please? It's just that I want to see how you did it, so, if you could give it to me, thank your very much. reply
2:48 AM Saturday, December 28, 2013
Here you have the PSD file with all the layers and layer styles intact so you can see all the settings, blend modes etc that I have made. Hope this helps you! reply
1:30 AM Sunday, December 29, 2013
Hi, I am very new in photoshop. I like so much your tutorials, although sometimes I'm not able to finish them.
In this ocassion, I could finish it, and i want to show you.
I hope you like it.
Greetings and Happy New Year. reply
2:57 AM Monday, December 30, 2013
Your Photoshop works are indeed very good :)
Happy New Year to you too! reply
1:48 AM Thursday, January 2, 2014
Wow, I am very happy that I have found this side! Great tutorials and a lot to learn! After 2 years not using PSD I am having fun to learn it again. My first result.
Thank you
2:01 AM Thursday, January 2, 2014
I am glad that you want to start learning Photoshop again! Your result looks great but as you probably noticed the fireworks look better on a night photography.
If you want to use fireworks on a day time photo you have to add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment for the fireworks image and to reduce the brightness to -30 and increase the contrast to 100 .
Also you might add a Hue/Saturation adjustment and increase the saturation level. reply
2:41 AM Thursday, January 2, 2014
I've just found this beautiful Animated Sparkle Fireworks inspired by this tutorial on my Google Plus account and decided to share it with you.
It is such a great idea to animate the fireworks adding sparkle and glitter effects in Photoshop, so I am pretty sure I will make a tutorial out of it! reply
10:35 AM Thursday, January 2, 2014
Wow, great news, you are very helpful , thank you very very much for these tips! reply
3:17 AM Friday, January 24, 2014
How, this was incredibly in-depth for a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a New Year's flyer. I love using photoshop, but I tend to prefer web-based apps. Did you have any recommendations for web-based apps? So far I've used Lucidpress to teach me how to make a flyer. It's pretty simple and easy to use. reply
3:21 AM Friday, January 24, 2014
Hi Mike,
I am not familiar with Lucidpress. I only use Photoshop for my photo manipulations, but I am sure there are plenty of web-based apps. Unfortunately I didn't try any of them, just yet :) reply
4:26 AM Tuesday, December 2, 2014
can u tell me how can i download the golden layer style??
Thank you... reply
3:04 AM Friday, December 19, 2014
Excuse my bad English,
Thank you very much for this beautiful tutoriel. reply
Victor Valdes
Victor Valdes
2:42 AM Friday, January 2, 2015
Hello. I loved this tutorial so much and downloaded the PSD to see how it all works.

I took what you made and modified to my needs and came up with some beautiful and different to a point. It was fun working with this.

Thank you and Happy New Year! May 2015 be better than 2014 reply
2:47 AM Friday, January 2, 2015
I am glad you enjoyed practicing our New Year Photoshop tutorial. We wish you to have a great year 2015 as well! reply
3:13 AM Monday, December 28, 2015
If you used the same color tones for the Gradient Fill and the blend mode and opacity, the only reason for the differences is the size of you PSD document.
You can try to Scale the gradient or drag and drop on the screen to move it.
Another method that you can try is to modify the "Location" field of the gradient colors. reply
Mireille D
Mireille D
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Superb rendering!
With not too successfully follow the tutorial, I worked with another style.
Thank you for all the work you make for the holidays. reply
12:11 PM Sunday, September 1, 2019

I just found this tutorial.

I have been using Photoshop for a few years and know how to use all the tools, effects, etc...

I'm posting here because, as I was following your tutorial, I noticed that my gradient colors, effects, etc.. were not looking like the ones in your tutorial.

I am attaching a print screen. I followed your tutorial up to step 3, so far, and my colors are not looking like yours.

I'm just curious if you can see if I did anything wrong like maybe my document size is wrong (I used the "default photoshop size" setting in the new document window) or if the settings on my gradient layer mask are off or something?

I used the "Black, White" gradient for my layer mask and used the same settings (colors, etc...) for the gradient fill layer. reply
10:37 AM Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Click on the image or access this link:

You have to register to download! reply

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