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How to Create Scars in Photoshop
Tutorials Photo Effects 31868 August 21st, 2024

Learn how to create realistic burn scars on a woman's face using Photoshop. Follow this step-by-step tutorial with detailed instructions and settings for a stunning final result.

Today i want to create a burn scar to a beautiful woman/girl's face.
For this tutorial I will use a photo of this beautiful young woman.

Beautiful woman face before adding a scar in Photoshop

Name this layer Before Layer.
Duplicate the layer and call it Red Skin Layer.
Duplicate again the layer and call it Scar Layer.

Beautiful woman face before adding a scar in Photoshop

Lets work with Red Skin Layer. Createa an image Color Balance adjustemnt layer above Red skin and clip it to the layer and use the following settings:
Shadow: 50;0;-20
Midtones: 100;0;0
Highlights: 0;0;0

Add a scar in Photoshop - Red skin color balance

Lets work with Scar Layer. Createa an image Color Balance adjustemnt layer above Scar Layer and clip it to the layer and use the following settings:
Shadow: 10;0;0
Midtones: 41;0;-14
Highlights: 0;0;0

Add a scar in Photoshop - Scar layer color balance

Download this free skin scar image from Textures for Photoshop.

Skin scar image

We'll first need to transform it into a black and white scar image, so we can use it as a mask on our adjustment layers. Use the Image > Adjustments > Threshold and then the Eraser Tool.

Photoshop scar image to mask

Please the resulting black and white scar image where you want to add the scar to the face.

Photoshop add a scar to a photo

Then, to copy the scar image into the mask of the adjustments layers you have to
hold CTRL and click on the scar layer thumbnail,
CTRL+C to copy it
hold ALT and click on the mask of the adjustemnt layer
then CTRL+V to paste it.

Change the blending mode of the Scar layer to Overlay. Then, double click on the Red skin and Scar layers and in the layer styles add an inner shadow. Play around with the settings until you get a result that works for you.

Photoshop add a scar to a photo

Lower the opacity of the Red skin and Scar layers to your liking and, if everything went well, then you should end up with a beautiful girl with an ugly scar on the face, but hey, you learned how to adr a scar on any photo using Photoshop.

Photoshop scar
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3 comment(s) for "Add a scar to a girl face"

7:17 PM Sunday, October 30, 2011
thank you my friend, I am really glad that you appreciate my Photoshop tutorials and resources published here on my blog! reply
Golam Rahaman
Golam Rahaman
4:41 AM Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Really very swift technice to add scar on girl face. I will try. Thanks. reply
photoshop updates
photoshop updates
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
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