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A Beautiful Way to Set Your Text on Fire
Tutorials Text Effects 17856 September 9th, 2018

Learn how to create a fire text effect using the Wind Filter and the Liquify Tool, from this photoshop tutorial. Using a simple yet very effective technique we will add fire flames to our text effect.

I have to say that a beautiful fire text can be obtained using other methods, for example adding real fire flames using stock images for example. Or you can even use fire brushes to obtain the same effect.

Step 1 - Write the Text

Today I want to show you a cool fire text effect in Photoshop. You can use this fire text as is or you could also add it over a photo. Check out this tutorial for how to edit text in image using Photoshop.

Create a new layer with a black square. Call this layer BACKGROUND LAYER Make a new layer with a text , color #f0462c.Call this layer RED LAYER

Fire text Photoshop

Duplicate this layer and make the text white. Call this layer FIRE BOTTOM

Select layer FIRE BOTTOM and Edit - Transform - Rotate angle 90 degree. We will add a Wind Filter and that filter only works on horizontal. We will rotate this layer back.

Fire text Photoshop

Step 2 - Add your Wind Filter to Your Text

For FIRE BOTTOM layer go to Filter - Stylize - Wind , select From the Left option. Apply this filter twice or three times it is up to you. You should have something like this

Fire text Photoshop

Step 3 - Add Wind Filter to Your Text

Now rotate the layer back to horizontal. Go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur and choose 1,7.

VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!Merge the FIRE BOTTOM with the BACKGROUND layer ; Call this new layer FIRE EFFECT LAYER.

Now go to Filter - Liquify and with the Turbulence Tool size 7; density 100; pressure 49 and from left to right start making waves.

Fire text Photoshop

Step 4 - Add Fire Color to Your Text Flames

Lets add some color. Work with Fire Effect Layer and go to Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation and select Colorize so we can fiddle with the color. Bring Saturation up to 100 and set Hue to about 40.

Duplicate this colorized layer and select this duplicate in the layers palette. Select Image->Adjustments->Hue/Saturation again, this time with Colorize off. Set the Hue to -20 to make the flames red. Set the Blending Mode of this duplicate layer to Overlay. Call this layer Fire Effect 2 Layer. Now we've got some nice looking flames:

Fire text Photoshop

Step 5 - Bring the Text to the Front and Add it Effects

Now bring to front the RED Layer. I will apply to this layer different effects from the Blending Options window.

The first thing that you need to do is to go to Image - Transform - Scale and scale the text a little.

Than go to Filter - Liquify and with the Turbulence Tool brush between 4 and 7 and play with density , pressure , rate to see which is the best for you and simply disturb the edges of the text.

For a better effect I have used the Burn Tool to give more color to the text.

It is now time to make two settings in the Blending Options of this layer:

Stroke with color #ba780e

Fire text Photoshop

Inner Glow with color #b12b01

Fire text Photoshop

This is the result we have so far:

Fire text Photoshop

Step 6 - Text with Flames Sample 1

Now I will take this image and show you four different ways to change this text effect. The image below is Sample 1.

Fire text Photoshop

Step 7 - Text with Flames Sample 2

Take the Magic Wand Tool , go to Fire Effect 2 Layer and select th black area. Right click and select inverse. Press CTRL+C and CTRL+V. A new layer was created. Call it Sample 2 Layer.

Fire text Photoshop

Go to the Blending Options of Sample 2 Layer and do the following settings:

Outer Glow , color #694305

Fire text Photoshop

Stroke, color #d16719

Fire text Photoshop

Change the Blending Mode of this layer to Overlay 100%. This is the Sample 2:

Fire text Photoshop

Step 8 - Text with Flames Sample 3

Take the Magic Wand Tool , go to Fire Effect 2 Layer and select th black area. Press CTRL+C and CTRL+V. A new layer was created. Call it Sample 3 Layer.

Fire text Photoshop

Go to Blending Options of Sample 3 layer and do the following settings:

Inner Glow, color #3d180c

Fire text Photoshop

Color Overlay , color red. With this setting you practically change the color background of the fire text; you can play with colors and bending mode of Color Overlay to obtain a nice result:

Fire text Photoshop

This is the result for Sample 3:

Fire text Photoshop

Step 9 - Text with Flames Sample 4

For this last sample I will add a texture into the scene. So hide the Sample 3 Layer and copy this beautiful old paper texture.

Place this Texture Layer right under Sample 2 Layer and change the Blending Mode to Linear Light 100%. Resize the image to have the dark frame in your canvas.

And this is the Sample 4:

Fire text Photoshop
5 ( 101 votes)

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10 comment(s) for "A Beautiful Way to Set Your Text on Fire"

7:00 AM Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I like sample 4 very much! :) reply
7:00 AM Monday, March 1, 2010
Beautiful effect ! i like all 4 samples reply
jeffery monteray jack face
jeffery monteray jack face
7:00 AM Thursday, April 1, 2010
i couldnt get it to work reply
7:00 AM Friday, April 2, 2010
Why not?? At what step did you get stuck?? See that in step 3 is very important to merge the text layer with the black background layer otherwise it won't work ! reply
4:20 AM Wednesday, July 18, 2012
i try for your practice . same ? reply
1:30 AM Tuesday, December 23, 2014
c'est un travail originair j'ador sa
9:43 AM Monday, October 2, 2017
How to install Turbulence Tool . pls give the tutorial
9:46 AM Monday, October 2, 2017
Go to Filter > Liquify and you have on the left side the Turbulence Tool (see the image attached) reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
I like sample no. 1 best! Perfect style reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
I like sample no. 1 best! Perfect style reply

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