Realistic Rain Photoshop Tutorial
Hi guys! I was searching for a good realistic rain effect tutorial the other day and I have found this great Photoshop tutorial from deviantArt. The author, Alice alias zummerfish was nice enough to let me feature her tutorial on my blog and share it with all of my visitors.
To follow this tut you need Photoshop intermediate level, knowledge of basic adjustments as well as layer masks. From this tutorial you will learn how to create realistic looking rain effect in Photoshop using brush samples, layer styles and lighting effects.
About The Author
Alice is a young digital artist from France. You can follow Alice on her deviantArt account zummerfish.
There you can see her beautiful photo manipulations and also read some other cool tutorials. In her Tutorials folder
, Alice shows you How to Create a Realistic Underwater Scene, How to Draw Realistic Clouds, How To Work With Abstract Lights, etc.
Realistic Rain Tutorial
Learn how to create a beautiful realistic rain scene in 11 steps. It is an easy to follow tutorial, hope you find it useful!
40 Grass Texture With High Res Quality
Amazing Photoshop Layer Styles That You Must Have
6 comment(s) for "Realistic Rain Photoshop Tutorial"
I hope this tut helps you!