Flat Design Icons with PSD
Flat Design has become more and more popular among graphic designers. It is used in creating flat website designs, in brochure and advertisement projects, in flash and other animated video files. The retro old look is trend that has gathered many fans, me being one of them. The flat design has a new cool feature and that is the long shadow effect that can be applied to icons, text, etc. If you want to find out more about this subject I suggest you read the The ultimate guide to flat design. In this collection you will find useful free and premium flat design icons with the PSD source file.
Flat Design APP Icons
Flat Icons with PSD File
Media Flat Icons PSD
Flat Social Icons
Flat Icon Set with Free PSD
24 flat icons psd
Social Icons with Flat Design
20 flat icons psd
Flat Icon Set
simple flat social media icons psd png
Flat Icons
12 flat seo icons free download
Flat Media Icons
Retro Design Icons
Retro Flat Education Icons
You might also want to check out this cool jQuery Long Shadow Plugin that allows you to create flat icons using only css and jQuery. For example the images below are made using this shadow jQuery plugin. The Long Shadow jQuery plugin allows you to add fully customizable long shadow effects to your web design elements.
CSS jQuery Text Shadow
Flat design is driven by a desire for a more efficient and user-friendly interface. That's the idyllic purpose of flat design, but the current reality is so disconnected from it. While there are plenty of great examples of flat design(like the ones featured in this list), there are also plenty of bad flat design sample. You can read more about what happens when flat design goes bad from this interesting article - When Flat Design Falls Flat
Hama Beads Art Creator
Polaroid Free PSD Template
9 comment(s) for "Flat Design Icons with PSD"
I'm very interested in learning to make my own flat icons. Do you know any tutorial?
Thanks. reply
I did the house tutorial. I also did another about a pencil with Illustrator. Now I'll try do this one.
Greetings. reply
With the GUI having now been around for over 40 years, today we are taking a look back in time at the evolution of an integral feature - the icon.
Since the early 70's, when bitmapped screens were first developed with GUI's, the humble icon has come a long way. This is by no means, a complete list of all the icons in every OS between 1983-2013, however I have hand-picked designs that have the most significance and popularity in icon design.
read the article reply
Use these icons for personal and commercial work! reply
to create a flat icon in Photoshop is really easy; all you have to do is to make the icon design simple, to use not so many color tones, gradients, etc. For making flat icons , designers also use the long shadow concept.
Here you have some useful tutorials to help you create flat icons in Photoshop: