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Create 404 Error Page Tutorials

Resources Tutorials 7634 10/17/2018 12:00:00 AM

An error 404 is when a visitor wants to access a page that does not exist. Sometimes people tend to overlook this feature, and never think about designing for it. Taking the time to make a user-friendly 404 error page could mean the difference in a user staying on your website, or leaving.

In this list I have gathered some of the most useful tutorials for creating a 404 error page from scratch. We'll start with the design of an error page in Photoshop and than implementing the error page in Wordpress with settings and code.

How to create an Errror 404 Page for Wordpress

Create a 404 error page design in Photoshop

How to create a 404 error page for Wordpress Themes

Create a 404 page for Joomla

Animated 404 not found page with CSS jquery

Design an effective 404 error page

Create a 404 error page with CSS Tricks

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