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Animal Morph Photoshop Tutorials

Resources Tutorials 65331 7/17/2018 12:00:00 AM

Mixing animals and food, animal and human, animal with another animal can be a very cool way to transform a photo. You can create all kind of funny animal morphing effects. Lear how to create face morph in Photoshop from these easy to follow tutorials. You can create photo morph using your own images and fruits, animals, birds, vegetables; be creative and try these image morph effects. The face morph is he most common used morphing photo manipulation and you can see lots of creative and funny pictures of morph around the internet.

Animal morphing Tutorial in Photoshop

Fruit Animal Morph Photoshop Tutorial

How to Create a Human Portrait of a Dog in Photoshop

Morphing Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop animal hybrid morphing tutorial

Animal Morph Photo Manipulation Tutorial

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Fantasy girlbird morphing illustration in Photoshop

Face Morph in Photoshop Animal Hybrid

Photoshop Cat Human Morph Tutorial

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3 comment(s) for "Animal Morph Photoshop Tutorials"

11:59 PM Monday, July 7, 2014
Surreal looking KiwiMouse, a morph between an animal (mouse) and a fruit (kiwi) made possible in Photoshop. reply
1:56 AM Saturday, November 22, 2014
You can go even further with your imagination and combine machine with bio life. In this tutorial you will learn how to create an futuristic hybrid Crocomobile. reply
8:15 AM Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Strange animal morphs made in Photoshop ... these are animals of a parallel world or part of our future with GMO technology? reply

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