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Oana Livia APOSTU is a self-taught Romanian artist, who studies computer science and grows colourful worlds of fantastic lines and intricate shapes. She lives in a small French town, surrounded by pens, pencils, brushes, buttons, computers, dreams, and lots of books. You can visit her website at, or check out her DeviantArt page.

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Create a Cute Photoshop Easter Egg Bee Tutorials

Create a Cute Photoshop Easter Egg Bee

Learn how to create a creative cartoon character for the upcoming Easter time of year. We are going to make a Photoshop Easter Egg and turn it into a cute vector bee. This tutorial requires intermediate Photoshop skills, especially vector drawing. So it's important to know how to work with the Pen Tool and how to use Photoshop shapes.

I really hope you will enjoy this Photoshop tutorial and if you want to make other Egg Bees you can use one of my egg shapes to simplify the process a little bit. They are vector shapes so perfect for this tutorial.

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