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Arrow Photoshop Shapes

Resources Custom Shapes 130765 5/24/2019 1:26:19 AM

The Photoshop custom shapes are vector shapes that you can save in Photoshop as Preset Type. To create a shape use the Pen Tool or the Rectangle Tool, the Elliptical Tool, the Line Tool etc.

Because it's a vector, the custom shape can be resized without loosing its quality. So these cute arrow Photoshop shapes are useful for print materials too.

In today's list I have gathered arrow Photoshop shapes for all the Photoshop enthusiasts out there. Download the CSH file and you are ready to use this cool arrow shapes.

Download for free these awsome arrow shapes and use them in your projects. This list includes arrow Photoshop shapes in CSH format (custom shapes). Some the items also include arrow PNG images that can be used if you don't have Photoshop.

Create cool arrow icons for your blog using these free arrow shapes. There are all kinds of arrows like curved arrows, doodle arrows, hand-drawn arrows, etc.

Arrow Shapes (FREE)

Doodle Arrows (CSH, ABR & PNG)

Arrow Custom Shapes

Arrow Shapes (No Longer Available)

Arrows Shapes | FREE CSH

Arrow Shapes (No Longer Available)

Arrows Shape

Arrow Icons

Arrow Photoshop Shapes

Funky arrows csh and png files

Arrows Photoshop Shapes

If you are looking for arrow text symbols, check out this huge list of arrows. You will find there all the arrow types: ⬅ left arrow symbol, right arrow symbol 🢂, up arrow symbol 🡩, down arrow symbol 🡫, double arrow symbol ⬌, curved arrow symbol ⟳, circle arrow, half circle arrow, downward arrow symbol ⤋, cute arrow symbol 🏹 💘🔰, etc.

Arrow Symbols

Create Photoshop Shapes | PREMIUM Action

Create Photoshop shapes quick and easy! This set contains 1 layerd PSD file that will allow you to create a vector shape silhouette out of any photo/graphics/image. The pack also contains a Photoshop action that you can use to create custom shapes.

Create Photoshop Shapes

You can also try this Photoshop action that turns any JPG image into vector using Photoshop. The results is a complex vector image with colors and not just a vector shape silhouette.

Vectorizer - Convert JPG to Vector Photoshop Action

Convert JPG to Vector Photoshop Action
4.9 ( 184 votes)

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1 comment(s) for "Arrow Photoshop Custom Shapes"

1:25 AM Wednesday, January 7, 2015
thanks a lot ! reply

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