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Amazing Matte Painting Artworks

Resources Photoshop Art Works 61659 6/20/2018 12:00:00 AM

A matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set, or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit.(source). Ages ago, extremely talented artists painted these realistic scenes on large sheets of glass. With the invention of Adobe Photoshop, things began to change. What used to require laborious work in a film studio with several lengths of film and expensive, specialized cameras can now be done on a home computer with easily available software. No matter how you approach it, Photoshop has become an integral part of the process. (source: Basic Principles of Digital Matte Painting)

Tropical Islands Matte Painting

Sci Fi City Matte Painting

Waterfall Fantasy Matte Painting

Waterfall Castle Matte Painting Art

The Arrival Matte Artwork

SciFi City Matte Painting Art

Fantasy Matte Painting

Cleopatra Queen of Egypt Matte

Fantasy Matte Painting

Air Battle Matte Painting Work

Water Temples Matte Painting

Winter Town Matte Painting

Matte Painting SciFi KL 2

Spider Mech Matte Painting Sci Fi

Mountains Landscape Matte Painting

Surreal Sci Fi City Matte Painting for KOR3

Environment Deadwood Matte Painting

Spiritual City Matte Art Work

The Sunken Village Matte Painting

Post apocalypse Matte Painting

The Ancient City Matte Painting

Gnomon Matte Painting DVD Tutorial

Meduzarts Fallout 3 DC Matte Painting

Sci Fi City Angels Matte Painting

Fantasy Environment Matte Painting Art

Earth Abides Ruins Matte Art

The Giant Awoke Matte Painting

Canyon Lagoon Fantasy Matte Painting

Hobbit Landscape Matte Painting

New York Ruins Matte Art

Dubai Ruins Matte Painting

Indraprastha Matte Painting Artwork

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