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Create an Engraved Wood Logo in Photoshop
Tutorials Text Effects 87705 June 2nd, 2018

Learn how to create an engraved effect in Photoshop from this easy to follow Adobe Photoshop tutorial. You can replace the logo used in the tutorial with your own logo, with any font type, any text size, any vector shape, etc. And of course the wood texture can be replaced with any other wooden surface or with other textures like stone, leather, etc. For this tutorial I choose to show you how to create an engraved burnt wood effect in Photoshop but this effect can be applied just as well on other surfaces.

In this quick tutorial we will create an engraved burnt wood effect in Photoshop. You can use any type of layer, text shape and raster. For this tutorial I will use a combination of text and shapes, an insignia badge that you can download it for free here. The badge can be edited and customize with your own text and shapes.

To start you have to choose a nice looking wood texture ; I will pick a vintage rustic wood that you can download from here.

Let's add some adjustment layers to make the wood more vintage and old looking. First add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment and second add a Hue/Saturation adjustment to decrease the saturation level.

Time to add your logo, badge, insignia, etc. I will use a retro insignia that I made; you can download the retro insignia badge PSD for free. It is fully layered editable insignia badge that you can customize.

You can also choose one of these amazing premium retro badge insignias PSD files and customize them with your own text, logo, etc. These premium files come fully layered, fully editable, with vector shapes as PSD files.

Add the insignia in a new layer above the Wood texture layer. I have converted all the badge layers in a smart object ; it will be easier to edit.

As you can see the badge and the texture have different perspective. The insignia has a fron view and the wood texture is inclined. For that we'll use the Edit>Transform>Distort to change the perspective for the Insignia layer.

Now all we have to do is to add the following layer styles to create the engrave wood effect and also the burnt wood effect.

So here is the final result for the engraved burnt wood logo made in Photoshop using basic layer styles. You can easily replace the wood texture with any other texture like stone, leather, etc.

Premium Wood Photoshop Effects

If you want to try different wood Photoshop effects like painted wood or carved wood you can try these actions. You will obtain quick results, easy to edit and customize.

Painted Wood Photoshop Style Actions

Painted Wood Photoshop Style Actions

Carved Wood Sign Photoshop Creator

Carved Wood Sign Photoshop Creator

Wood Burn Effect Photoshop Action

Wood Burn Effect Photoshop Action
5 ( 106 votes)

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13 comment(s) for "Create an Engraved Wood Logo in Photoshop"

5:18 AM Saturday, July 5, 2014
Thanks for the tutorial! I love it!
I noticed in the screenshots above that you have an Inner Glow selected, but no settings screenshot for it. There also seems to be two screenshots for color overlay. Is the Inner Glow screenshot missing? reply
5:20 AM Saturday, July 5, 2014
I am glad you like the Engraved Wood Tutorial.
About your question, it is true that a Inner Glow style is checked but it doesn't change the final effect so I decided not to add it. reply
Trisha Rayl
Trisha Rayl
3:35 AM Sunday, December 28, 2014
How do I do this in Elements 11
3:40 AM Sunday, December 28, 2014
I am not using Elements so I really don't know :( reply
3:23 AM Thursday, June 30, 2016
Hey there, My object is showing up orange with the Color Burn rather than brown. Any way to adjust this? reply
3:25 AM Thursday, June 30, 2016
Hi Erin, if the layer styles look wrong you can always change the opacity, change the color or even switch to another blend mode for example Multiply. reply
3:22 AM Saturday, October 15, 2016
Thank you so much for this tutorial it was super helpful!
I just discover this site and I think I'm going to stick with it!
I just wanted to ask, I'm missing the typos, so can I download them somewhere? reply
3:26 AM Saturday, October 15, 2016
First, I am really glad that you like our Photoshop website :)

Second, the free fonts that are used in the PSD file are:

Ethon Free Font Type -

Intro Free Font Type - reply
Adnan Shahid
Adnan Shahid
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
wow It is a beautiful text effect. I've tried and successfully convert my text into this style. Thanks reply
Rajni Setia
Rajni Setia
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
That is a useful tutorial, we have featured it here : reply
Rajni Setia
Rajni Setia
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
That is a useful tutorial, we have featured it here : reply
Niaz Ahmad
Niaz Ahmad
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Wonderful job, I got it everything from this article. thanks reply
Manuela Angelli
Manuela Angelli
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Thank you! Very useful for me! reply

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